2012 Lease Inclusion Table  - Trucks and Vans
If you lease a vehicle that you use in your business for a lease term of 30 days or more, if the vehicle is subject to the luxury car limitations, you may have to include an inclusion amount in your income for each tax year you lease the vehicle.  To do this, you reduce your deduction for your lease payment by the lease inclusion amount.  The inclusion amount for each year is calculated by finding the appropriate lease inclusion amount from the table below and multiplying it by the percentage business use.  The lease inclusion amount is prorated for partial years of business use.

Fair Market Value of
Trucks and Vans
Tax Year During Lease
Over Not Over 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Later
$19,000 $19,500 1 4 5 6 7
$19,500 $20,000 2 4 6 7 9
$20,000 $20,500 2 5 7 8 10
$20,500 $21,000 2 5 8 10 11
$21,000 $21,500 3 6 9 10 13
$21,500 $22,000 3 6 10 12 14
$22,000 $23,000 3 8 11 14 15
$23,000 $24,000 4 9 13 16 18
$24,000 $25,000 4 10 15 19 21
$25,000 $26,000 5 11 17 21 24
$26,000 $27,000 6 12 19 23 26
$27,000 $28,000 6 14 21 25 29
$28,000 $29,000 7 15 23 27 32
$29,000 $30,000 7 17 24 30 34
$30,000 $31,000 8 18 26 32 37
$31,000 $32,000 9 19 28 34 40
$32,000 $33,000 9 20 31 36 42
$33,000 $34,000 10 21 33 39 44
$34,000 $35,000 10 23 34 41 48
$35,000 $36,000 11 24 36 44 50
$36,000 $37,000 12 25 38 46 53
$37,000 $38,000 12 27 40 48 55
$38,000 $39,000 13 28 42 50 58
$39,000 $40,000 13 29 44 53 60
$40,000 $41,000 14 31 45 55 63
$41,000 $42,000 14 32 48 57 66
$42,000 $43,000 15 33 50 59 69
$43,000 $44,000 16 34 52 61 72
$44,000 $45,000 16 36 53 64 74
$45,000 $46,000 17 37 55 66 77
$46,000 $47,000 17 38 58 68 79
$47,000 $48,000 18 40 59 70 82
$48,000 $49,000 19 41 61 73 84
$49,000 $50,000 19 42 63 75 87
$50,000 $51,000 20 43 65 78 89
$51,000 $52,000 20 45 66 80 93
$52,000 $53,000 21 46 68 83 95
$53,000 $54,000 21 48 70 84 98
$54,000 $55,000 22 49 72 87 100
$55,000 $56,000 23 50 74 89 103
$56,000 $57,000 23 51 76 92 105
$57,000 $58,000 24 52 78 94 108
$58,000 $59,000 24 54 80 96 111
$59,000 $60,000 25 55 82 98 114
$60,000 $62,000 26 57 85 101 118
$62,000 $64,000 27 60 88 106 123
$64,000 $66,000 28 62 93 110 128
$66,000 $68,000 29 65 96 115 134
$68,000 $70,000 30 67 100 120 139
$70,000 $72,000 32 70 103 125 144
$72,000 $74,000 33 72 108 129 149
$74,000 $76,000 34 75 111 134 155
$76,000 $78,000 35 78 115 138 160
$78,000 $80,000 36 80 119 143 165
$80,000 $85,000 38 85 125 151 175
$85,000 $90,000 41 91 135 163 187
$90,000 $95,000 44 98 144 174 201
$95,000 $100,000 47 104 154 185 214
$100,000 $110,000 52 113 169 202 234
$110,000 $120,000 57 127 187 225 261
$120,000 $130,000 63 139 207 248 287
$130,000 $140,000 69 152 226 271 313
$140,000 $150,000 75 165 245 294 339
$150,000 $160,000 81 178 264 316 366
$160,000 $170,000 87 190 283 340 392
$170,000 $180,000 92 204 302 362 419
$180,000 $190,000 98 216 322 385 445
$190,000 $200,000 104 229 340 409 471
$200,000 $210,000 110 242 359 431 498
$210,000 $220,000 116 255 378 454 524
$220,000 $230,000 122 267 398 477 551
$230,000 $240,000 127 281 416 500 577
$240,000 $250,000 133 294 435 523 603