2011 Lease Inclusion Table  - Trucks and Vans
If you lease a vehicle that you use in your business for a lease term of 30 days or more, if the vehicle is subject to the luxury car limitations, you may have to include an inclusion amount in your income for each tax year you lease the vehicle.  To do this, you reduce your deduction for your lease payment by the lease inclusion amount.  The inclusion amount for each year is calculated by finding the appropriate lease inclusion amount from the table below and multiplying it by the percentage business use.  The lease inclusion amount is prorated for partial years of business use.

Fair Market Value of
Trucks and Vans
Tax Year During Lease
Over Not Over 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Later
$19,000 $19,500 3 7 9 12 13
$19,500 $20,000 3 8 11 14 15
$20,000 $20,500 4 9 13 15 18
$20,500 $21,000 4 10 15 17 20
$21,000 $21,500 5 11 16 20 22
$21,500 $22,000 5 12 18 22 24
$22,000 $23,000 6 14 20 24 29
$23,000 $24,000 7 16 24 28 32
$24,000 $25,000 8 148 27 32 37
$25,000 $26,000 9 20 31 36 41
$26,000 $27,000 10 23 33 40 46
$27,000 $28,000 11 25 37 43 51
$28,000 $29,000 12 27 40 48 55
$29,000 $30,000 13 29 43 52 60
$30,000 $31,000 14 31 47 56 64
$31,000 $32,000 15 34 49 60 69
$32,000 $33,000 16 36 53 63 74
$33,000 $34,000 17 38 56 68 78
$34,000 $35,000 18 40 60 71 83
$35,000 $36,000 19 43 62 76 87
$36,000 $37,000 20 45 66 79 92
$37,000 $38,000 21 47 69 83 97
$38,000 $39,000 22 49 73 87 101
$39,000 $40,000 23 51 76 91 105
$40,000 $41,000 24 54 79 95 109
$41,000 $42,000 25 56 82 99 114
$42,000 $43,000 26 58 86 103 118
$43,000 $44,000 27 60 89 107 123
$44,000 $45,000 28 62 93 110 128
$45,000 $46,000 29 65 95 115 132
$46,000 $47,000 30 67 99 118 137
$47,000 $48,000 31 69 1002 123 141
$48,000 $49,000 32 71 106 126 146
$49,000 $50,000 33 73 109 130 151
$50,000 $51,000 34 76 112 134 155
$52,000 $53,000 36 80 118 143 164
$53,000 $54,000 37 82 122 146 169
$54,000 $55,000 38 84 125 150 173
$55,000 $56,000 39 87 128 154 177
$56,000 $57,000 40 89 131 158 182
$57,000 $58,000 41 91 135 162 186
$58,000 $59,000 42 93 138 166 191
$59,000 $60,000 43 95 142 169 196
$60,000 $62,000 45 99 146 175 203
$62,000 $64,000 47 103 153 183 212
$64,000 $66,000 49 107 160 191 221
$66,000 $68,000 51 112 166 199 229
$68,000 $70,000 53 116 173 206 239
$70,000 $72,000 55 121 179 214 248
$72,000 $74,000 57 125 186 222 257
$74,000 $76,000 59 129 192 231 266
$76,000 $78,000 61 134 198 239 275
$78,000 $80,000 63 138 205 246 285
$80,000 $85,000 66 146 217 260 300
$85,000 $90,000 71 157 233 280 322
$90,000 $95,000 76 168 250 299 345
$95,000 $100,000 81 179 266 319 368
$100,000 $110,000 89 196 290 348 402
$110,000 $120,000 99 218 323 387 447
$120,000 $130,000 109 240 355 427 493
$130,000 $140,000 119 262 388 466 538
$140,000 $150,000 129 284 421 505 583
$150,000 $160,000 139 306 454 544 629
$160,000 $170,000 149 328 487 583 674
$170,000 $180,000 159 350 519 623 719
$180,000 $190,000 169 372 552 662 765
$190,000 $200,000 179 394 585 701 810
$200,000 $210,000 189 416 618 740 856
$210,000 $220,000 199 438 651 779 901
$220,000 $230,000 209 460 683 819 946
$230,000 $240,000 219 482 716 858 992
$240,000 $250,000 229 504 749 897 1037