2005 Lease Inclusion Table  - Electric Automobiles
If you lease a vehicle that you use in your business for a lease term of 30 days or more, if the vehicle is subject to the luxury car limitations, you may have to include an inclusion amount in your income for each tax year you lease the vehicle.  To do this, you reduce your deduction for your lease payment by the lease inclusion amount.  The inclusion amount for each year is calculated by finding the appropriate lease inclusion amount from the table below and multiplying it by the percentage business use.  The lease inclusion amount is prorated for partial years of business use.

DOLLAR AMOUNTS FOR Electric Automobiles
Fair Market Value of
Electric Automobiles
Tax Year During Lease
Over Not Over 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Later
$45,000 $46,000 5 11 18 21 25
$46,000 $47,000 10 21 33 39 45
$47,000 $48,000 14 31 48 57 66
$48,000 $49,000 19 41 63 75 86
$49,000 $50,000 23 52 77 93 107
$50,000 $51,000 28 61 93 111 127
$51,000 $52,000 33 71 108 128 148
$52,000 $53,000 37 82 122 147 169
$53,000 $54,000 42 92 137 164 190
$54,000 $55,000 46 102 152 183 210
$55,000 $56,000 51 112 167 200 231
$56,000 $57,000 55 122 182 218 252
$57,000 $58,000 60 132 197 236 272
$58,000 $59,000 65 142 212 254 293
$59,000 $60,000 69 152 227 272 314
$60,000 $62,000 76 167 250 298 345
$62,000 $64,000 85 187 280 334 386
$64,000 $66,000 94 208 309 370 427
$66,000 $68,000 104 227 339 406 469
$68,000 $70,000 113 247 369 442 510
$70,000 $72,000 122 268 398 478 551
$72,000 $74,000 131 288 428 514 593
$74,000 $76,000 140 308 458 550 634
$76,000 $78,000 149 328 489 585 675
$78,000 $80,000 159 348 518 621 717
$80,000 $85,000 175 383 571 683 789
$85,000 $90,000 197 434 645 773 892
$90,000 $95,000 220 484 720 863 995
$95,000 $100,000 243 534 795 952 1099
$100,000 $110,000 278 610 906 1086 1254
$110,000 $120,000 323 711 1055 1266 1460
$120,000 $130,000 369 811 1205 1444 1668
$130,000 $140,000 415 912 1354 1623 1874
$140,000 $150,000 461 1012 1504 1802 2081
$150,000 $160,000 507 1113 1652 1982 2287
$160,000 $170,000 553 1213 1802 2161 2494
$170,000 $180,000 598 1314 1951 2340 2701
$180,000 $190,000 644 1415 2100 2519 2908
$190,000 $200,000 690 1515 2250 2698 3114
$200,000 $210,000 736 1616 2399 2877 3321
$210,000 $220,000 782 1716 2549 3055 3528
$220,000 $230,000 827 1817 2698 3235 3734
$230,000 $240,000 873 1918 2847 3413 3942
$240,000 $250,000 919 2018 2997 3592 4148